How to Find Ashbourne Baptist Church
Addresses & Maps

We display an "Ashbourne Baptist Church" banner or notice outside, before each service, so you know you're in the right place.

Church Info: Church Address | Church Map | PDF Download: Map & Parking | Parking Options | Accessiblity
Boys' Brigade Info: Boys' Brigade & Girls' Assoc Address | Map & Parking for Boys' Brigade

at St John's Church - main building, not the community hall

(The church is on the Buxton hill, A515)

Ashbourne Baptist Church (at St John's Church)
4 Buxton Rd,

Derbyshire DE6 1EX

>> Church Map & Parking Info Sheet (printable PDF download)
>> Directions & Details - click either of the maps below.

Front entrance: on your right, going uphill on Buxton Rd, towards Buxton.
Back entrance: from Auction Close follow the path around the community hall to the church.

Wheelchair Access: dropped kerb and ramp at both gates, but use the back door to avoid steps into the building. The easiest access is from Cattle Market car park behind the church, with easier parking and a more gentle slope (follow the pathway around the outside of the Community Hall).
There's no hearing loop, but excellent amplification and acoustics. Please tell us if you are having difficulty hearing during the service.

Ashbourne Baptist Church at St John The Baptist, Ashbourne, Derbyshire

click map for bigger version

Click our little location map (below) to see a bigger version...
or click the google map (below) for google maps / directions.
The church is easy to find. As you go up-hill on the Buxton Rd., it's on your right.
Alternatively, the rear entrance is directly opposite the Cattle Market Car Park on Auction Close.

Map & Route Planning Link to find Ashbourne Baptist Church, Ashbourne, Derbyshire DE6 1EX


Cattle Market Car Park, Auction Close (Derbyshire Dales District Council), immediately behind St. John's Church.
Payment is by Cash (no change given) or using the "PayByPhone" app (adds 20p charge; scroll down for download options)
£2.50 (morning service), £1.50 (evening service), valid in other Derbyshire Dales long-stay car parks during the period paid for. Blue Badge Holders pay the same, but get an extra hour on top of the time they have purchased.
No height barrier.
Note: Auction Close is a narrow hill at the staggered crossroads on The Green Road (at the Buxton Road end).

Free Kerb-side parking bay (for 2 cars) in front of the church building - you need to approach - slowly - from the uphill side of the church building, being ready to tuck in along the inside edge of the bollards.

The Green Road on-street parking - Free - then a short, steep walk up Auction Close and the entrance is on your left opposite the car park.

Windmill Lane on-street parking - Free - then walk down the steep public footpath (pics below) to The Cattle Market Car Park just behind the church. The footpath is 25m from the Buxton Rd junction.
Note: you may prefer to avoid exiting Windmill Lane on to (or across) the Buxton Road - visibility is terrible in any direction.

Footpath from Windmill Lane to Ashbourne Baptist Church
Footpath from Windmill Lane to Ashbourne Baptist Church

These photos are also on the downloadable map & info sheet

The footpath, seen from the Windmill Lane end - click the photos to view full them size.

Tuesdays, in Ashbourne Town Centre
(at The Empire Ballroom)

None of our Sunday services are held here.

The Empire Ballroom, King Edward Street, Ashbourne, Derbyshire DE6 1BW

Boys' Brigade and Girls' Association Ashbourne Venue, The Empire Hall /

Limited on-site parking - and plenty more in the Sainsbury's carpark.

Sainsbury's is next door to The Empire and shares the same access road.

MAP: Boys' Brigade meets at The Empire Hall, Ashbourne
Click the Ashbourne map below for directions to the Empire Hall, where the Ashbourne Baptist Church Boys' Brigade and Girls' Association meets.
No church services are held here.

Location of the Empire Hall, Ashbourne

Ashbourne Baptist Church at St John's, Ashbourne, Derbyshire - by GBAshbourne Baptist Church (at St. John's)

Google Maps and Route planning link for Ashbourne Baptist Church at St John The Baptist, Ashbourne, Derbyshire
Location of Ashbourne Baptist Church, Derbyshire (on Google Maps)

Ashbourne Baptist Church

St. John the Baptist Church,
(main church building, not the community hall)
4 Buxton Rd, Ashbourne, Derbyshire DE6 1EX

Sunday Morning Worship:

11am Family Service
and Sunday School every two weeks

Sunday Evening Worship:

6pm Evening Service


Mid-Week Prayer & Bible Study:

7.30pm Thursdays

(Contact church for details)

Boys' Brigade & Postal Address:

The Empire Ballroom, King Edward Street, Ashbourne, Derbyshire DE6 1BW
England UK
(No Sunday Services here!)

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Ashbourne Baptist Church is a Reformed, Evangelical and Independent Bible-believing Christian Church in Ashbourne